Tuesday, 24 June 2008

Later on !

a couple more hands


Why oh why didn't he call..... answers on a postcard what he called the previous bet with please !


Got it wrong but how can you shove for everything with 77 ? to a re raise... i don't do that personally

Well after yesterdays -$68 i'm back to a postive figure of about + $15

tomorrows another day..

p.s. Rhino lady.. if your reading this .. let me know how you got on in the freeroll

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I won the handsome sum of $3. 900 entered with 500 paid. Was $3 from 500 to 90th and I think I came around 200.

I've downloaded GL and Pokermon, kept getting error due to .NET framework but got it sorted in end. Just been playing 1/2c to get used to the site. Off to bed now but will have a proper go tomorrow. So glad you've recouped your losses. Thanks again for chat, hopefully speak again soon.